Friday, July 30, 2010

EOC Week 3: Jeopardy

Jeopardy is a great game. It is the game for the smart and intelligent. I always watch the game on television and I feel that the questions that the players answer are always hard. I never realized that building the question and making sure the question is properly structured is a big issue. Making the question requires a thought process that equals to a “what is” answer. I found that using definitions that had more than one word in them such as “date of application” was sort of tricky and always read wrong after written. The game is always hard to build because you need to create an easy to hard environment such as one hundred dollar to a five hundred dollar question. Making sure the question is harder is a critical point of building a successful Jeopardy game. In the real game, it seems like the questions are super hard but for this educational purpose, I think this is a great way or learning definitions for our copyright, trademark, and patents class. I think making the game is hard, but it will pay off later when we actually take the test and are able to use the game as a reference for learning.

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