Alberto, Kristine M.
- Final project was very well INFORMATIVE, very well structured and is very well organized.
Her project is all cited and everything.
Jones, C. J.
- Well done on the final project! Everything is thoughtfully & carefully answered and all the quotes are present. Just needs to be cited.
Oya, Korsyca Ln
- Blog and final project is excellent! Very good quotes and well citation.
Lopez-Estrada, Saul E.
- Very well written final project. Carefully done and all quotes and citations are present!
Mukaya, Adam
- Execllent final project and blog, The final project is well thought of and it seems like they extracted a lot of information. All quotes and citations are present.
Nolan, Stanley S.
- The blog and final project is complete. The citation is a bit incomplete and needs to be instructed on how to cite a book.
Zullo, John A.
- Blog question answers from lawyer are hard to read in blue vs your background. The blog needs MORE QUOTES!
Rodriguez-Delgado, Leslie
- Needs QUOTES for the final project. Otherwise, it was well done!
Reaze, Shantay
- The blog final is done but it needs more quotes.
Fernandez, Joanne
- Finished all sections. Needs more quotes but looks like she understands her lawyer very well and she has good reasoning.
Diamond, Vivian
- Well done blog, has a good understanding of the project and has met all the requirements.
Fernandez, Ryan Louis
- All sections are complete and all the questions are done correctly except I NEED MORE QUOTES!
Chester, Lonnie O
- Final project is well worth over 300 words for each section. Not enough quotes.
Calesing, Katherine Gaerlan
- Her final project was about 80% complete. She had done each of the questions however NO QUOTES! There is to be easily 20 QUOTES and I don’t see one of them in the last 2 questions that were suppose to be stated.
Crissman, Jake Albert
- 5th section is not complete however 4th section is really strong and has good amount of quotes to support there reasoning.
Klatsky, Rebekah Anne
- Incomplete final project. Needs to finish the final project since it is a BIG part of the final grade!
Cassaro, Christina R
- Final section is missing and has only 2 quotes from the book in section 4 and 5.
Armellino, Stephen Joesph
- Needs to be finished! INCOMPLETE FINAL! =)
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